
Bluesy Lee-welcome to the 70’s

National Theatre

This is a legend about the "dragon", a mythical poem about love politics that metaphors Taiwan’s identity issues in the 1970s. It combines images, cha-cha, aikido, martial arts, folk songs, movie soundtracks, and glam rock to create a new aesthetic for contemporary theater.

National Theatre

Director/Playwright:WANG Chia-ming
Producer:HSIAO Shu-mei
Set Design:HUANG Yi-ru
Light Design:WANG Tien-hong
Costume Design:LAI Hsuan- wu
Video Design:CHOU Tung-yen
Shadow Puppet Design:SHIH Pei-yu
Cast:Sandrine Pinna, WU Pong-fong, Gwen YAO, Fa, MO Tzu-yi, HUANG Chien-wei, KAO Ying-hsuan, CHOU Ming-yu, CHOU Jung-shih, Hana TSAI, YU Pei-zhen
Live singer:Sean LIN